Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good Book - Blue Like Jazz

I've never really done a book review before, but I thought this deserved some merit. First of all, it really challenged my thinking and the way I interact with people in general. The book Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, are his thoughts on Christianity through 'non religious' eyes.

To be honest with you, I often find it difficult to read non-fiction literature. I love stories. I love character development, a plot, a conflict, a climax, a resolution. I love to feel attached to a person's story and find a way I can relate to it through my own life experience. The reason why I like this book is because Donald Miller is so honest in his life's journey and relationship with God and others. He tells the ups and downs, the doubts and revelations. While the book doesn't read like a novel, I felt like I could relate to him and certain experiences through stories from his own life.

The part that spoke to me most of all was the chapter called Love - How to Really Love People. Donald Miller talks about this guy that went to his church that annoyed him to the point that he just didn't like him. He didn't mean to not like him, he just did little things and chewed with his mouth open and was lazy and said 'dude' at the end of every sentence. It just drove him nuts and he wanted this guy to change things about his attitude. He didn't tell him outright but he would wear it on his face with rolling his eyes, shooting dirty looks, and mouthing 'loser' behind his back that he was not liked. Soon after Miller realized that he was withholding love and this is wrong. If we recognize something in somebody that needs change (an attitude, heart) we can't do it by withdrawing and hope they will notice your disapproval. He says If a person senses that you do not like them, that you do not approve of their existence, then your religion and your political ideas will seem wrong to them. If they sense that you like them, then they are open to what you have to say. I'm not even talking about religion, but in general relationships. Sisters, brothers, moms, dads, friends. Strangers. Show love.

There were many other things about this book that were great. The only crappy part was this copy isn't mine so I couldn't mark up the margins or underline anything. I would definitely read it again...and I would recommend it to two kinds of people: 1. Those that grew up in church and are used to the safe church cocoon. It will challenge you. 2. Those that are unfamiliar with Christianity or want to know what it's really all about. There's no fluff, no guilt, and no formulas. Just insightful, intellectual thoughts, and you can take them or leave them.

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